Electrical installation

электрогенерирующий комплекс с двумя турбогенераторами Р-2,15-1,406 Алчевский коксохим завод

In the area of our company's priorities is maintenance of electrical installations and electrical power plant, as well as craft and works general substation and other process units.

At your request, we will quickly and efficiently perform the complete list of maintenance of the above equipment - from design, commissioning a newly commissioned units and reconstructed.

Our company has a complete list of all the regulatory and technical documents, which are necessary for the production of industrial energy activities and staff UECHM possess all the necessary skills and experience, which allows you to participate in the development of new recycling and outdated regulatory and technical documents.

JSC "E&ET" UKRENERGOCHERMET®" (UECHM) is also the author of a number of regulations, enacted in Ukraine.

Our engineers successfully implement the following list of tasks:

  • preparation of executive single line diagrams and secondary switching circuits 10-0.4 kV networks;
  • calculation of short circuit currents, checking equipment and conductors in the thermal and dynamic stability;
  • calculation of short circuit currents in AC voltage up to 1 kV, and check the settings operation established protection and protective devices;
    analysis of the reliability of power supply circuits; the development of the regime of power supply circuits;
  • analysis of the schemes and the setting of relay protection;
  • calculation and analysis of electric power losses in electric networks;
  • research and development of technical solutions for optimal compensation of capacitive currents, protection against single-phase earth faults in networks of 6-35 kV;
  • Click Automatic load shedding and pitch protection at the factory block stations;
    DC control power systems in substations examination with the development of technical solutions to improve the reliability of their work;
  • development and preparation of the technical performance of materials and instructions for use of electrical equipment.