We are ready and efficiently carry out expert examination (technical diagnostics, initial, periodic and extraordinary technical inspections (technical inspection) the following equipment:
- steam and hot water boilers, waste heat boilers, boilers power technology;
- steam and hot water;
- vessels, working under pressure;
- of steam turbines;
- tanks, equipment and piping of the main production of chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas industry;
- air separation units, including functional diagnostics;
- compressors;
- blowers;
- evaporative cooling systems and other equipment operating under pressure.
Also, the company's specialists perform:
- energy audit equipment consuming energy (fuel, electricity, compressed air, oxygen, hot water, technical and chemically purified water, etc.) in industrial enterprises;
- promprovodok Survey (gas pipelines, water pipelines, cutting ditches, pipelines, steam and hot water) to reduce the volume of repair work and financial costs of industrial enterprises;
- expertise in the development of energy resources in the reconstruction and himvodoochistok himochistke pipes of power of the heating surfaces.
For the expert works UECHM features:
- resolution Gostruda Ukraine to host:
b) non-destructive testing of the following methods:
- visual and optical (VT);
- ultrasonic (UT);
- eddy current (ET);
- radiographic (RT);
- magnetic particle (MT);
- capillary (PT);
- using replicas.
- mechanical tests;
- metallographic examinations;
- hardness measurement;
- stiloskopirovanie;
- chemical analysis;
- steam and hot water boilers;
- pressure vessels;
- steam and hot water;
- the main production equipment of chemical, petrochemical and oil and gas industry;
- experimental basis, to enable a wide range of metal research, microstructure by optical microscopy, chemical and phase composition, fracture toughness of steels, low-cycle fatigue at elevated temperatures;
- the necessary regulatory, organizational and methodical documentation;
- highly qualified staff, including 12 technical experts, 8 specialists Level III nondestructive testing methods, 43 specialist NDT Level II inspection techniques.